5 Critical Things to Consider Before Joining a Startup to Boost your Career Growth

Startups are hard. Jobs at startups are becoming increasingly competitive. Working at a startup is rewarding, addicting, frustrating, and confusing. During your job hunt, consider seeking out new opportunities presented by up-and-coming businesses. This is among the many questions graduates face when starting their careers or making a switch. There's no right or wrong answer. It depends on your risk appetite, personality and desire to make it big in the industry. While looking to work with a startup, you must know the investment companies backing the startup. Big Venture Capitalists investing in a startup is a clear indication of their heading in the right direction. It's not all sunshine and rainbows when starting something new, as it comes with great uncertainty. Company research is equally important. There are significant advantages to doing so before attending an interview. When researching a company, look for information about its history...